
Wisdom for An Awakening World

Find yourself flailing in the deep end of life? Tips for making it through.

Published 11 months ago • 3 min read

July 4, 2023

Hi Reader,

Sometimes life tosses us into the deep end and we feel like we’ve been given that sink or swim moment. Other times we’re like a crab in a pot and we don’t notice that the heat’s been turned up until things are boiling over.

A steady front crawl through the deep end with a solid two-handed touch on the other side to mark the end of that tortuous race should do the trick right?

But most of us find ourselves tired and just trying to tread water and breathe at times.

So, whether you’ve just dipped a toe into the kiddie pool of self-discovery, you’ve stridden into the deep end, or life just tossed you overboard and you find yourself flailing, here are some options to help you continue this internal quest:

  1. Float: Resting is an option. It stops the flailing and allows stillness.
  2. Follow the signs: In a swim race there are flags signalling that the wall is near. Does your life, your body, your Qi condition give you signs to follow? Threads to unravel? Changes to celebrate along your laneway of self-inquiry? Are you calm enough to see them?
  3. Feel the ripples: When we’ve left the confines of the pool and headed to the ocean for some advanced training, we need to find new markers showing the direction we need to go. Heck, we can’t even see the end of this race anymore.

The ancient South Pacific navigators were skilled at this. They’d ride low in their hand-made dugout canoes and feel the ocean. They studied the tiniest changes. They knew when they were getting near shore by the change in wave shape.

When we’ve been life cultivating for a while, we too get more skilled at reading the signs. It’s just that we’re riding on an ocean within us. Steady Qigong practice helps sensitize us to those internal signs.

What keeps you going when the external world feels hard?

Connecting to your heart helps with love and compassion for yourself. Working on your patterns helps keep you on course ~ those markers on the inside guide your way in the thickest of fogs and roughest of waves.

That takes time of course. Sometimes the storm is so loud that it seems to drown out your voice and you begin to wonder why you ever thought you could swim in the first place.

In those moments - stop flailing. Stay calm.

In the moments you can’t hear your own cheerleading, please hear mine cheering you on. You are capable.

When the fog is thick and the direction unclear, stop using up precious energy swimming in circles. Be still.

Borrow my trust that this inner ocean journey is possible.

Follow the calls of those just a little further ahead of you until you’ve developed a little more skill with the life cultivation tools keeping you afloat and helping you gain strength and skill.

Swimming lap after lap, then wave after wave in a beneficial direction helps you develop determination, strength, and an audible cheerleading voice that is your very own.

Stick with it – do the practices – and you’ll hear yourself clearly and know how to set course with a steady front crawl through the rough water and out the other side.

Cheering you on with love,


Summer Connections

I'm taking a partial northern hemisphere summer break. There won't be any full moon gatherings for July and August.

You can still check in with me Mondays at noon PST live in Wisdom for an Awakening World. That's also where we'll continue life cultivation discussions, sharing and discovery.

Qi Writers

Next class begins in September.

Stephanie Ross BSc. (she/her) is a dedicated guide and spiritual mentor for individuals seeking connection with their True Self and embarking on a journey of personal growth and healing. As a Yuan Qigong Master, senior Ren Xue teacher, and internationally published author, she uses her extensive training, trauma sensitive approach, and over a decade of embodied experience to compassionately guide people inward towards their innate wisdom.

Stephanie leads global practices, teaches online workshops, facilitates wisdom circles, and mentors individuals seeking guidance and support on their quest for life transformation and higher levels of consciousness.

Her step-by-step approach is designed to enhance the whole life - physical, Qi, emotional, consciousness, heart, spiritual, and daily life wellbeing – natural outcomes while moving steadily towards higher levels of realization and wisdom.

Navigating Change from the Inside Out: Remain Energized, Anchored, and Clear During Life's Daily Challenges and Changes.

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Wisdom for An Awakening World

by Stephanie Ross

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