
Wisdom for An Awakening World

How to Embody Hope While the World is on Fire

Published 9 months ago • 4 min read

August 27, 2023

How to Embody Hope While the World is on Fire

Hi Reader,

Today’s story is inspired by a message I received last week.

It said: “...Steph, the expression in your eyes expresses hope, love, and gratitude.”

He was referring to my 30 Days of Gratitude live-stream project on Facebook and Instagram.

This message had meaning for me on many levels. Some of them are:

a) My internal fire of fear has subsided. At least since the age of 4 when I was exploding with something to say but remained muted and terrified when the mic came my way, I’ve had an incredible fear of self-expression. Now doing this weird and wonderful thing on social media what people are feeling from me is love and no longer terror.

b) Conveying hope, love, and gratitude makes a difference right now. If that is what people are receiving from me, I AM truly grateful. I live in the province of British Columbia, Canada. Here and north of us in the Northwest Territories we’ve been in a state of emergency due to forest fires for a while now. To be clear, the fire is not at my doorstep. I haven’t been evacuated nor on evacuation alert. The air quality I breathe isn’t optimal but it also isn’t horrific.

It is also true that my friends are evacuated. My friends and in-laws are on evacuation alert and losing their homes. The wide swaths of Canadian forests which could be helping with the carbon sink are now creating enough heat to be rapidly contributing to the climate crisis. I live on an island which means our food supply can be easily disrupted and the road system can get blocked pretty quickly

For those of you more directly affected, please accept my love and empathy for you. These are not easy things to be dealing with. Stay safe.

c) Embodying hope right now is important. The Ren Xue work I’ve done for over a decade – developing calm, growing my heart connection, and uplifting my patterns – is shining through for another to see and feel. I find this very hopeful for all of us because everyone has the opportunity to do the same if they choose this path.

How do you remain calm and hopeful when your world is on fire – literally or metaphorically?

1) Prepare then let it go. There are some practical things you can do to calm your nervous system.

I have ready-to-go backpacks for each of my family members in case we do need to depart in a hurry. It includes pet food and cat leashes. I have extra food and water – some ready to go and some in the house in case there are supply issues on my beautiful island. My teens have phones, we have a plan, and everyone now understands that we don’t hesitate with natural disasters.

After you’ve created and implemented what you need to prepare and plan for, let it go. You can’t control the onset of a natural disaster.

Stressing over something you can’t control is very Qi depleting.

It is easier to stay hopeful when we are relaxed and easier to relax when we feel hope.

2) Put on your captain’s hat. In the aviation world there is an idiom about what to do when you have an engine fire. That expression says that the first thing you do is put on your hat. Actually, the first thing you do is say loudly “engine fire” and start the drill. But what “put on your hat” means is don’t panic, stay calm, and take that extra breath so you act appropriately and don’t make things worse. (I used to be an airline pilot.)

3) Do your Yuan Qigong practice to cultivate calm so it's more accessible when emergency situations happen. Being captain of your state will help everyone else around you and provide the clear direction needed. Over time, that clear direction will come more often and more consistently from Shen so you have wisdom guided options on hand.

4) Fill your Qifield with love, hope, inspiration, and all the beautiful heart qualities. You can do that by formally building a Qifield for your day, remembering to connect to your heart, and adding positive information to help you stay hopeful throughout the day.

If you’d like an easy way to receive some inspiration, please listen to my Wisdom Poetry on YouTube. My inspired poems can be light and inspirational, convey Ren Xue teachings, contain layers that resonate with your Heart and Shen or all of the above.

5) Uplift your patterns. The single most important thing you can do is cultivate your life in a positive direction on an inward path to your True Self.

For humanity to correct course, we need to not only uplift how we live, think, and act, but to move beyond that and into the essence of who we really are. This means replacing the patterns of the False Self with the wisdom of our True Self.

The wisdom, love, and hope radiated from Heart and Shen bring inspiration and creativity that can dramatically alter life and help the hearts of those around you remember that another way is possible.

This is true hope. From here we can together create a new world ~ from the inside out.

For those of you who prefer to listen versus read, I have replays of talks in Wisdom for an Awakening World. I'll be giving another free public talk in September. Stay tuned!

With deep respect to all our fire fighters.

Wu Xin,


*Wu Xin= the 5 heart qualities, my way of sending you trust, openness, love, gratitude, and Gongjing (True Respect)

Stephanie Ross BSc. (she/her) is a dedicated guide and spiritual mentor for individuals seeking connection with their True Self and embarking on a journey of personal growth and healing. As a Yuan Qigong Master, senior Ren Xue teacher, and internationally published author, she uses her extensive training, trauma sensitive approach, and over a decade of embodied experience to compassionately guide people inward towards their innate wisdom.

Stephanie leads global practices, teaches online workshops, facilitates wisdom circles, and mentors individuals seeking guidance and support on their quest for life transformation and higher levels of consciousness.

Her step-by-step approach is designed to enhance the whole life - physical, Qi, emotional, consciousness, heart, spiritual, and daily life wellbeing – natural outcomes while moving steadily towards higher levels of realization and wisdom.

Navigating Change from the Inside Out: Remain Energized, Anchored, and Clear During Life's Daily Challenges and Changes.

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Wisdom for An Awakening World

by Stephanie Ross

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